Sitting across my fellow dyslexia friend, interviewing him and listening to the story of his learning difficulties and begin labelled as dumb and a child with no flair in academic etc. hurts my heart. Listening to the video while editing it one month later brings tears to the corner of my eye.
Listening to him is like he is telling others about my childhood. I was exactly (at this point of time I cannot spell the word ‘exactly’, and I must ask my son) in that same position went I was a child. Labelled and considered dump and hardly felt any love from my parents.
When we conduct Feng Shu Audit for a family house, selecting the Academic Star Cardinal for our client is a must. In Singapore, it has become a Standard Operating Procedure. Every parent or parent to be, want to know where the best place is to have the study table for their offspring. Some of my clients plan for it, even when they are still single.
Every parent wants to have the best academic result from their children. And we always try our best to make sure they have the best for their children. Students in Singapore are very stressed, and if we can help them in any way, we are more than happy to do so.
I think this is an Asian thing that parents focus a lot on education. Many parents firmly believe that having excellent academic achievement is the only way to make a comfortable living. Parents devote time, money, attention to this one thing. And they neglected the emotion health essential to bring up a child into the right person, Love.
Many of my clients and friends asked me why do I conduct so many interviews with professionals that have no link to Feng Shui? One of the most significant differences between Modern Feng Shui and any other schools of thoughts is we due with the inner self, the psychologist of things, the psychosomatic of the well begin our clients. To do this daunting task, we bring in subject matter experts to share with our clients. Hopefully, many will benefits.
Words of encouragement, believing in your children, trust them, love them regardless of their academic result are way more effective than having them sit in the Academic Star Cardinal.
With high Self-esteem and confident level, your children will be going places compared to that university certificate.
Image byGerd AltmannfromPixabay